Sterling Staff
Having the right staff can make your life less stressful, more efficient, calmer, — richer.
Available Jobs Posted
Whether it be a personal assistant to handle day to day tasks that allow you to better spend your time on things that are more meaningful or an experienced nanny that will assure your children are well cared for and that your goals for their intellectual and social development are met; or a well trained housekeeper or houseman that will assure you architecturally significant property will be cleaned, organized, and well maintained –we know the most experienced and well referenced professionals in the personal service industry.
Long recognized as “the source” for the finest household staff, JaNiece Rush and her team have been featured in many national and even international media including: Vogue, Worth, America’s Elite 1000, 48 Hours, The Wall Street Journal Report, Access Hollywood and others as well as being named, “The Best of the Best,” by the Association of Celebrity Personal Assistants.
Additionally, New York’s most prestigious corporations in the entertainment, fashion and financial industries rely on Lifestyle Resources to supply their top executives with personal service staff. Our registry contains an impressive array of personal assistants and social secretaries to fill needs not currently met by existing administrative staff. Additionally, we recruit and place the finest corporate chefs, chauffeurs, executive security professionals, office matrons, meeting hostess, and butler/concierge staff. Through alliances with other top firms we’ve also placed top executive-level administrative and support staff that are a cut above those typically put forward through traditional sources.
Staff with unique skills and backgrounds with proven experience and references attesting to their exceptional excellence is our specialty.
Looking for Service
Candidates Seeking Placement
Included on our registry are:
- Major Domos
- Estates Managers
- Butlers
- Personal Assistants
- Social Secretaries
- Nannies
- Governess
- Newborn Care Specialists
- Housekeepers
- Housemen
- Maids
- Valets
- Chefs
- Cooks
- Chauffeurs
- Executive and Celebrity Security
- Ranch managers
- Domestic Couple Teams
- Caretakers
- Gardeners
- Private Yacht and Aircraft staff
Sterling Staff
Private Service Job Descriptions
Major Domo/Estate Manager:
- Job Description:
Usually oversees the operation of multiple homes and/or properties for the same employer. Typically strictly administrative. Works with butlers to see that the needs of the employers are met in each residence. May also handle the planning and execution of large social events. - Qualifications:
Experience as a butler or other similar position in Hotel/Resort industry. The ability to travel between homes at a moment’s notice. Higher education preferred.
- Job Description:
Usually in charge of one residence. Supervises, organizes and often helps train domestic staff. Serves meals and drinks, answers doorbells and telephone, sets the table for meals, makes out the household budgets, organizes parties. Some valet duties and light housekeeping. May also include scheduling of maintenance and staff for employers yacht, stables and plane. Lives in. Not to be confused with major domo or estate manager. - Qualifications:
Experience as an under butler, valet, ship steward or in hotel management. Higher education preferred. Knowledge of wines and spirits. Knowledge of security systems.
- Job Description:
Full charge in tending to children. Takes pro-active roll in playing and planning activities for her/his charges. Maintains their bedrooms and play areas, bathes, dresses and feeds them. Washes, irons and mends children’s clothes. Typically lives in. Uniform sometimes, but often not required. A governess has the same duties, however is often additionally in charge of tutoring the child in a particular subject or subjects. A governess is traditionally from a teaching background. Male nannies, required to be of the same caliber, are sometimes referred to as “Mannies”, we prefer the term “Governor”. Not to be confused with au pairs, or babysitters. - Qualifications:
Experience with children. Formal education (Particularly in early childhood education, nursing, or credentials including nanny or governess certification from an established, accredited, institution or possessing an NNEB) preferred.
- Job Description:
Keeps grounds and equipment in good condition. May do yard work, painting, light carpentry and plumbing. Ensures securities. May also assist housekeeper with heavier household duties, such as moving and lifting. Lives on grounds. Uniform not required. Not to be confused with gardener. - Qualifications:
Must be physically fit. Experience with plumbing, painting and carpentry helpful.
- Job Description:
Prepares meals for family and staff. Additionally, plans and prepares food for parties, luncheons and all other social events. Prepares detailed menus and orders groceries. Directs the operation and organization of the kitchen and the presentation and serving of the food. May live in. Uniform is often required. Not to be confused with cook. - Qualifications:
Restaurant, executive dining, catering or similar domestic experience. Must be able to plan, prepare and organize for frequent entertaining. Most private chefs have culinary degrees from top institutions.
Housekeeper or Houseman
- Job Description:
Responsible for maintenance of household. Dusts, vacuums, waxes floors, makes beds, cleans linens, polishes silver, arranges furniture, mends clothing, does laundry. May supervise support staff. Typically lives in. Uniform often required. Not to be confused with chambermaid, ladies maid, parlormaid, waitress or laundress. - Qualifications:
Past experience as a general maid. Good understanding of household operations.
Domestic Couple Team:
- Job Description:
Often a married couple offering the combination of services of Butler/Housekeeper or Housekeeper/Caretaker, the first is referred to as a formal couple then later an informal couple. Both typically live in. Uniforms are often required for formal couples. - Qualifications:
Domestic experience and references in the field to which each claims expertise. A strong partnership with the other half of the team.